Soni Musicae / Hauptwerk











French Harpsichord after Blanchet (18th)
Note on the sound esthetics of this sound bank                                                         mp3 demos
To get Kontakt or sf2 versions of this sound bank, see : Soni Musicae

Copyright by Eric BRICET and Jean Yves GARET
2005, August 28th

contact : blanchet_1720« at » (Replace « at » with @)

The soundbank « Blanchet_1720 » has been created by Eric Bricet and Jean Yves Garet, in August 2005. Jean Yves Garet is an amateur harpsichordist and owner of the instrument. Eric Bricet is an amateur sound taker and made the recording. Using this soundbank with the software « Hauptwerk », you can play a virtual harpsichord copied after a 18th century French instrument by Blanchet. It has one manual, 2 X 8' stops, plus a lute stop. .

The authors have decided to give it freely to anyone who will find it useful.

This soundbank has been created for the softwares Hauptwerk and GrandOrgue, and the mapping files (extension : *.organ) are usable only with these programs. However, the samples, in 'wav' format, are usable in any sampling program (for ex : Kontakt, Halion, etc...). If you create special mapping files for these programs (Kontakt, Vsampler, Halion, GigaStudio, etc...), please transmit them to us, because it will be suitable to distribute them freely to the community. But we do not accept any modification of the samples themselves. In particular, we refuse them to be reduced for an integration to a General Midi bank, or a low quality soundbank.

It is forbidden to sell this soundbank or to insert the samples in any commercial application.

Before downloading this sound bank, read
here the conditions of use

DOWNLOAD the soundbank Blanchet_Harpsichord (equal temperament), in 3 files, 50 Mb each :    

                                                    part 1                part 2                  part 3


We propose 6 definition files for this harpsichord, for differents keyboards and midi consoles (because the organ keyboard compass is not compatible with the harpsichord's):

- one keyboard (like the original instrument)

1) blanchet_1cl_C1-F5.organ, from C1 to F5, for specific organ midi keyboards (but G1 to B1 are missing).

2) blanchet_1cl_G0-C5.organ,  from G1 (which doesn't exist on normal organ keyboards) to C5, for specific organ midi keyboards (but C#5 to F5 are missing).

3) blanchet_1cl_G0-F5.organ, from G1 to F 5, the complete compass, which doesn't fit with organ keyboards, but only with longer midi keyboards.

- two keyboards (without 4', which doesn't exist on the original instrument)

4) blanchet_2cl_C1-F5.organ, from C1 to F5, for specific organ midi keyboards (but G1 to B1 are missing).

5) blanchet_2cl_G0-C5.organ, from G1 (which doesn't exist on normal organ keyboards) to C5, for specific organ midi keyboards (but C#5 to F5 are missing).

6) blanchet_1cl_G0-F5.organ, from G1 to F 5, the complete compass, which doesn't fit with organ keyboards, but only with longer midi keyboards.



A special disposition for a pedal harpsichord (with an added 16' stop) is proposed here

.bat files for PipeTune   (to convert equal temperament to other temperaments : Pythagorician, MeanTone, Werckmeister3, Vallotti and Kellner)

Download the "PipeTune" program from the author's site